"So maybe Frazzled UBM can explain why it's clearly the religion that's the problem when it comes to how JW women are viewed and treated, but that Islam is not the problem when it comes to how Muslim women are viewed and treated?" Attitudes to women in the Muslim world are appalling - I agree whole heartedly. As I have pointed out a million times on this forum - tolerance of Muslims and Islam as a religion does not mean acceptance and absence of challenge of appalling things done in the name of Islam and Muslims living in the West must respect Western values of tolerance if they themselves expect tolerance - so they cannot fall back on religion as an excuse for engaging in discriminatory behaviour. I am an opponent of the use of veils. I applaud laws criminalizing FGM and forced marriage. Tolerance of intolerant religions raises some difficult issues but it is only in an environment of tolerance and respect that these issues can be addressed.
I would argue that by emphasizing those elements in Islam and discrediting those Quranic and other passages that are relied on to reinforce patriarchial social structures in the Muslim world are key. Attitudes to women - re education, political power, role etc. vary enormously across the Muslim world. Education and exposure to liberal thinking will help change attitudes but it is a long and difficult road. Trying to ban Islam or attacking Islam will be counterproductive. Every support possible must be given to intelligent liberal Muslim leaders. Isalm is a broad and diverse religion like Christianity - this is an important distinction with the WBTS - which is not a religion in my view but a tightly controlled cult in which a single governing body control every aspect of doctrine in a deliberate strategy. I see that my approach to these issues is difficult for you black and white thinkers on JWN to appreciate.
I am not a defender of Islam - I am simply an opponent of those who try to say IS represents Islam and that Islam is inherently violent because this ignores the reality of Islam as a diverse religion representing 1.6 billion people the overwhelming majority of whom are not violent. The proponents of this view have created a one dimenional strawman Islam based on limited or selective understanding, that they are busily burning to the ground. The muslim convert responsible for the Oklahoma beheading had more in common with the recent school shooter than with mainstream Islam. Some respected clerics have now issued a fatwa condemining IS and its tactics and calling the beheadings what they are - murder. Unfortunately this will have little impact as IS will pay about as much attention to mainstream Islam as the WBTS woudl pay attention ot mainstream Christianity.